Tassel oxycream 20 vol. 1L

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Tassel oxycream 10 vol. 1L

Tassel oxycream 30 vol. 1L
The 20 volume oxidant cream is a chemical solution used in hairdressing to activate the oxidation process in hair dyes and bleaches. Contains hydrogen peroxide at a concentration of 6%, making it stronger than 10 Volume Oxidizer (3%) and milder than 30 Volume Oxidizer (9%).
The 20 volume oxidizer is suitable for lightening hair by up to two shades and for covering gray hair. It is also useful for intensifying color and providing fuller coverage.
The use of the 20 volume developer is recommended for medium to thick textured hair and is generally used in most salon color services.
Ideal for mixing with Tassel Bright Color dyes and ammonia-free dyes.