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Semilac nº469 (Violet Nightdress)

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Semilac Magnet Duo Cat Eye Efect
A very fresh and glowing shade of purple/violet. Changeable silk effect with the cat's eye magnet.
Nail polish free of HEMA ingredients.
To remove the polish, use pure acetone or Semilac Remover soaked in a cotton ball for 10 minutes and remove it with the help of an orange stick. We recommend that you use Aluminum Sheets.
Curing time:
- 24/36/48W UV lamp: 30 seconds.
- 24/48/36/54W LED lamp: 30 seconds
How to use:
1º Apply a thin layer of Semilac base and cure in a lamp.
2º Apply a thin layer of Violet Nightdress polish.
3º Without drying in a lamp, pass the magnet very close, but without touching the nail, to create different effects.
4º Repeat the color layer to achieve a better finish.
5º Apply a layer of Semilac top coat and cure again in a lamp.