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{SHOP_COMPANY_NAME} (hereon {SHOP_NAME}) domiciled in {SHOP_ADDRESS} with CIF {SHOP_CIF} sets to disposition on its web site {SHOP_DOMAIN} certain contents of informative nature about their activities.

Present general conditions govern solely and exclusively use of the {SHOP_NAME} web site by users who enter the site. Present general conditions are presented to the USER on the web site {SHOP_DOMAIN} in all and each one of the pages and every time an USER enters his data on the existent forms, for him to read, print, file and accept through the internet, not being the user capable of entering his data effectively without prior acceptance.

{SHOP_NAME} registered in the Mercantile Register of {SHOP_DETAILS}.

Access to {SHOP_NAME} web site implies wholeheartedly acceptance of all of the present general conditions of use that the USER states to comprehend entirely. USER commits himself not to use the web site and the offered services for making of activities conflictive with the law and respecting at all times the present general conditions.


1.1.-The use of the {SHOP_NAME} web site does not connote obligatoriness of the USER’s registration, unless such USER wishes to make use of the database of all existent products on {SHOP_DOMAIN} where it will be necessary that he register following a basic form, this subscription will be determined by specific general conditions. Access and use conditions of the web site are strictly determined by the legality in force and by the good will principle with the user committing to make a good use of the web. All acts against legality, rights or interests of third parties: right to intimacy, data protection, intellectual property etc. are prohibited. More accurately, {SHOP_COMPANY_NAME} prohibits the following:

1.1.1.- Performing actions that may produce damage to the web site or through the web site by any means, any type of harm to the systems of {SHOP_NAME} or to third parties.

1.1.2.- Making, without due authorization, any type of publicity or commercial information uncovered or directly, sending of massive mails (“spaming) or sending of big messages with the purpose of blocking net servers (“mail bombing”).

1.2.- {SHOP_NAME} will be entitled to interrupt access to its web site at any time if they detect any use contrary to the legality, good will or the present general conditions – read fifth clause.


Contents incorporated on this web site have been elaborated and included by:

2.1.- {SHOP_NAME} using internal and external sources in a way that {SHOP_NAME} only takes responsibility for content elaborated internally.

2.2.- {SHOP_NAME} keeps the right to modify at any time the existent content on its web site.


{SHOP_NAME} informs you that the web site {SHOP_DOMAIN}, own contents, programming and design of the web site are fully protected by copyright, being expressively prohibited all reproduction, communication, distribution and transformation of the referred elements protected unless consent had been given by {SHOP_NAME} . {SHOP_NAME} uses external sources for the making of its contents on determinate occasions and it also establishes links or hyperlinks to articles or information from third parties always quoting the source. Legitimate {SHOP_NAME} of copyright of the contents thereby included will be always entitled to demand elimination of such references.


These general conditions are ruled by the Spanish Law. The parties submit, at their election, for the resolution of conflicts and with waiver of any other jurisdiction, to the courts of the user's domicile. In case the USER is a company, all courts from Gerona are competent to solve any controversy or conflict derived from the present general conditions, with the contracting company renouncing explicitly to any other jurisdiction that might correspond.

Likewise, as an entity adhering to Confianza Online and in the terms of its Code of Ethics, in case of disputes concerning online contracting, online advertising, data protection and protection of minors, the user may avail himself of the system of out-of-court dispute resolution of Confianza Online.


In the event that any clause from the present document be declared invalid, other clauses will still be in force and will be interpreted keeping into account the will of the parties and the purpose itself of the present conditions. {SHOP_NAME} may no longer make use of any of the rights and powers granted in this document, which will not imply in any case a renouncement to them unless explicit acknowledgement is given by {SHOP_NAME}.